We Can Restore The Look Of Your Chimney With Pressure Washing Services!
A Davis Chimney technician will sometimes suggest that a chimney be pressure washed, especially if your chimney has efflorescence stains or deposits. Our pressure washing service can be used prior to tuckpointing (masonry repair) or just to improve the exterior appearance of your chimney.
Stains on the chimney are sometimes a purely aesthetic issue, but they can also lead us to diagnosis some bigger problems hidden within the chimney. Both the color and location of stains on a chimney can help us determine the cause of the stains. A thorough inspection will help us find any leaks or other problems that need addressing. Plus, with Davis Chimney on the job, you can rest assured that our chimney professionals will thoroughly clean your chimney without damaging your brick or mortar.
What’s That On My Chimney?
Although chimney-cleaning methods vary depending on the type of stain, pressure washing is often a great solution. Here are some stains you may be seeing on the exterior of your chimney and what they could mean:
White stains: If you see a white powder-like substance on your masonry—almost looking like white mold—your chimney is likely stained with efflorescence, which is a crystalline deposit of water-soluble salts. Brick and mortar are quite susceptible to efflorescence; nevertheless, efflorescence may be a sign of excessive moisture and may indicate that a chimney inspection is needed. We find that the appearance of efflorescence varies according to conditions like heat, wind, and humidity.
Brown or red stains: Reddish or brown stains are likely streaks of rust originating from one of the metal components atop your chimney.
Black or brown stains: Black or brown stains may indicate roof runoff or spillage. Just cleaning your gutters out may remedy this. Black stains could also signal soot or creosote wash-down, which may mean that your chimney equipment needs replacing, adjusting or is having a drafting problem.
Green or black stains: A greenish-black stain on your chimney is probably an algae stain, likely accumulated because of runoff from a chimney top.
Live in the greater Beaumont Texas area? Whatever your chimney-related needs, Davis Chimney can help! If you have a question or a pressure washing job for us, give us a call, or use our appointment request form!
Crumbling and missing mortar on chimney masonry can often be replaced and repaired by the process of tuckpointing. Our skilled technicians can provide this important brick repair service so you know the job is done right and will add years of life to your masonry chimney.