Add Efficiency & Save Money With A Top-Sealing Damper
What’s not to love about a fireplace and chimney? How about the amount of expensive conditioned air that soars out of it every year? And the amount of cold outdoor air that enters your house through the chimney during the winter? If you have a masonry fireplace, nip those complaints right in the bud with a top-sealing damper.
What Is A Top-Sealing Damper?
The top-sealing damper is without a doubt one of the best innovations to be introduced to the chimney industry. Designed to create an airtight seal at the top of your home, a top-sealing damper will keep energy inside your home and can save you tons of money. A test performed by the Architectural Testing Lab in Minnesota actually determined that installing an energy-saving damper at the top of a chimney can cut heat loss by more than 75%. In addition, these dampers will aid in keeping the elements out. Rain and snow are the chimney’s worst enemies and are capable of doing profound damage to it – so any additional protection you can provide for your chimney is a bonus. Top-sealing dampers also help keep outdoor odors, insects, and animals like raccoons, squirrels, birds, and mice out of your chimney.
In the past, most dampers were installed at the “throat” of the chimney, just above the firebox. Because they have a metal-to-metal closure that allows warm air out and cold air in, these internal dampers cannot restrict airflow between the home and the outdoors the way a top-sealing damper can. Most of today’s top-sealing dampers are made of stainless steel and/or cast aluminum and employ a rubber gasket seal that opens and shuts depending on when the chimney is in use. These dampers typically come with a lifetime warranty. By putting the damper at the top of the chimney, you can prevent cold outside air from traveling down into your chimney flue and prevent conditioned air from escaping up your chimney.
What Do I Need To Know About My Top-Sealing Damper?
Like throat dampers, top-sealing dampers should be closed when your chimney is not in use and opened before starting a fire. They open and close like a door and are operated by the homeowner by using a handle located within the home. The damper should be closed once the fire is completely out. It is important to note that top-sealing dampers cannot be installed over gas logs, and are only intended for use with a masonry fireplace.
Give Us A Call, Today!
Only a certified chimney technician can properly assess what size damper you need and install it so that you can be assured of its efficiency and safety. If you live in the greater Houston area and want a more energy-efficient home, Lords can install a top-sealing damper on your chimney. Schedule an appointment with us today or use our appointment request form!
A simple chimney cap provides a lot of protection…and peace of mind. Ask the experts at Davis Chimney about this common repair for chimneys of all types and sizes.